One of a series of ‘teaser’ trip pages for those heading to the 2018 NZ Packrafting Meetup. Thanks to Hugh Canard for the information. I’m hopeful that the Meetup will result in a little more info plus a few photos so we can expand these pages.
Lower Hope – Middle Waiau (II) from Hope bridge to Handyside Stream
Just west of the upstream end of the Hope Bridge there is a car parking area. From here you can scramble down to the put in.
Higher volume class I and II, some bigger features and wave trains.
There is an easy exit point about halfway, just above the Waiau confluence. There’s a vehicle track which leads directly to SH 7 via a gate. Its reasonably easy to see the track on Google Earth. If you plan on using this exit, its worth heading down to the take out to ensure you know what it look like from the river!!
The suggested take out is just east of Handyside stream, where there is a vehicle parking area and track down to the river.
Hope River at Glynn Wye.