Kaituna Below Smokey Falls (III)

The lower Kaituna gorge is an exciting run in a scenic gorge through jointed ignimbrite which is deeply incised to form a narrow chasm. It is a lower grade than the upstream gorges (none of those are Packraft friendly). This run is pushy and relentless! It is for experienced groups where everyone is capable of…

Edwards River (II+/III+)

An adventure with something for just about everyone The lower Edwards River in Arthur’s Pass National Park is a great option for a short but adventurous trip. This trip has a great mix of ‘something for everyone’ with an optional harder upper section, great variety and scenery, and a wilderness feel to it despite all…

South Branch Ashburton River / Hakatere (III/IV)

With good access, continuous whitewater, grade III gorges plus an optional grade IV upper section with a chockstone, this is bound to become an East Coast classic day trip for intermediate to advanced packrafters. “The run feels similar to the classic narrows section on the Upper Waiau. The tight gorge where you float beneath a…

Lower Toaroha River (IV)

Advanced day-trip, boulder gardens, bedrock gorge and challenging whitewater on the West Coast

Hawdon River (II/III)

A great rain or snowmelt run, suitable for mixed groups of intermediate level paddlers

Cromel Stream (II/III)

Long day or overnighter: good approach routes to a fun grade III gorge and grade II lower section.

Northern Southland.

Mokihinui (III+/IV)

The Mokihinui is a brilliant packraft trip. You can walk in from the west, stay a night and paddle out. You can head in from the Buller end by bike or foot on the Old Ghost Road, then hop on the river where your skills dictate.

Takaka River (II or III) powerhouse to the bridge

This is a roadside run, which is dam controlled and very popular with all paddlers. Access Leave a car (or bikes) at the new road bridge on the Cobb valley road and drive up to the power station. Easiest to get in on the left fork assuming the turbines are all running. View Larger Topographic…

Aorere River (II) Salisbury Falls Gorge

The crystal clear Aorere cuts through the epic rock gorge at Salisbury falls, which is Takaka’s biggest and busiest swimming hole. The gorge itself runs for a few km each side of the tourist area and in low flows is an easy and spectacular trip, suitable for confident beginners. This is a short and sweet…

Glenroy River (IV)

The Glenroy is a technical, short sharp introduction to Class 4 creeking. It can be packrafted at flows lower than recommended for kayaks. It has lots of rocks and pin /wrap hazards at low flow so be wary. Once you are in the gorge there is only one way out! The put in is the…

Maruia River (II+) Boundary Road to Shenandoah Stream

The Maruia is a very pleasant and scenic float that is mostly Class II. There is a Class III rapid in the middle of the run and there are a few Class II+ depending on flow. It’s an easy run as anything above Class II is easily portaged. You don’t need 2 days to complete…

Upper Nevis River (I/III)

Roadside grade III in Otago Highcountry, with two day’s worth of paddling, hiking and biking on offer.

Needs rain to be runnable.