Challenging approaches to Intermediate paddling on a remote an scenic Westland River
Tag: Loop Trip
Aorere (III/IV) Shakespeare Flat To Brown Hut
A gorgeous day trip for advanced packrafters, in Kahurangi National Park, Golden Bay
The Long Burn loop (II)
Remote 5-7 day loop through untracked Fiordland
Poulter River (I/II) via Casey Saddle
An ‘almost-loop’ trip through Arthurs Pass mountains and braided river valleys. There are a few options for paddling the Poulter, including continuing on down the Waimakariri Gorge. Thanks to Michael Batchelor for the information and photos to make up this trip page. Haydn Deane posted a great video of the Poulter-Waimak Gorge option on vimeo…
Anatoki River (IV) below Anatoki Bend
Steep boulder gardens and spectacular gorges in this grade IV packrafting day trip in Kahurangi National Park.
The Ellery, Jackson & Arawhata Loop (I+)
A longish day trip, with a great variety of terrain and non-technical paddling.
South Westland
Kaipo River II/III or up to IV
3-4 days side trip to the Hollyford Pyke, to explore a seldom visited valley.
The Hollyford-Pyke Loop (I/II)
The most famous packrafting loop in NZ…
5-6 Days | Fiordland | Stay in DOC Huts
Lower Slate Gorge (IV) from Moonlight Flat
A low-flow daytrip to a steep and beautiful gorge
Golden Bay, Tasman
Gillespie Pass circuit: Siberia Stream (I+/III-) & Wilkin River (I+)
Aspiring NP, Otago
3-5 day options
Gorge River (III/IV)
7 day loop in South Westland
Gorgeous gorges, up to IV
Arahura River (sections from V to II)
One of the most sought after and enjoyed runs in New Zealand: high quality, high difficulty paddling, Near Lake Kaniere, on the West Coast.
Waiau River (I/II) Te Anau Control Gates to Lake Manapouri
This section provides lots of options for trips; half day trips using shuttles or walking, full day paddles, overnight options including paddling on Manapouri itself. Despite being bordered by the Kepler track on the true right and roads on the true left, it has quite a wilderness feel, with lots of options. View Larger Topographic…
Rakaia Gorge (II)
An easily accessible and short Canterbury float with reliable flows and a big water feel. Beautiful water and views and a great enjoyment-to-energy expenditure ratio. Best during weekdays to avoid large amounts of jet boat traffic. (please take a look at our general advice about Jetboats and packrafts) View Larger Topographic Map Logistics Park just…
Te Awa Kairangi / Hutt River gorge (low flow III, high flow IV)
The gorge of Te Awa Kairangi / Hutt River is a spectacular trip through native forest with a real wilderness feel. It is well known by local paddlers, as it is the closest class III water to Wellington (one hour) and has road access with a short shuttle. Te Awakairangi / Hutt River supplies Wellington with much…
Blue Grey River (II/III) via Robinson Valley
A fun loop trip in Lewis Pass, with a walk up beech forest valley and over a pass, a quick paddle across Lake Christabel and through grade 2 to 3 rapids (with some portaging). Thank you to Carey Lintott, Nicole Symon and Martin Peat for the information and photos. This keen group did the trip…
Lower Whirinaki (II/III) Okui Gorge
The Whirinaki River is a one of the main rivers draining Whirinaki Te Pua-a-Tāne Forest Park around 1 hour east of Rotorua. It is fed by a watershed the extends south and east from the Galatea plains past Minginui and into the forest park. With amazing bush, easy access at a number of points and…
Hope River (II+) St Jacobs Hut to the highway
Another lovely river in the Lewis Pass region. An extended but beautiful and straightforward walk in through beech forest and river flats to the comfortable, quaint St Jacob’s hut. The paddle out down the Hope river is an enjoyable mixture of open river flats with a fun gravel races and some interesting class II+ boulder…
Otaki River (III/IV) from Waitewaewae Hut to Otaki Forks
Historically, a classic Wellington region kayak run, it doesn’t get done very often due to the tricky flows needed and tough access. At the right flow, it’s a much more accessible packrafting trip, through a very scenic and wild gorge in the heart of the Tararuas. The trip is normally done over two days, by…
South Temple Stream (III-) from South Temple Hut
Apart from a very short and easily portaged gorge halfway down, the South Temple below the hut provides fast and consistent paddling through boulder gardens. This sweet section of stream needs a bit of rain to bring it into condition for paddling, otherwise it is just too bony to float. There are a few options…